News from the North Texas Progressive December 19 2011


North Texas Progressive Newsletter
...bringing North Texas news and discussion since 2004

December 19, 2011

Dear nancy,

Good Morning!

There are still meetings and Holiday parties happening ! I've included some great articles you don't want to miss and might have time to catch up on !

I also LOVE end of year lists and have included 2 great video lists for you to enjoy!

Happy,  Happy Holidays to everyone ... no newsletter on the 26th ! See ya in 2012 !

Nancy Cunningham

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In This Issue

and more Holiday Parties

This Holiday, The Twelve Republican Days of Christmas..

Sign up for City of Dallas Reverse 911 Emergency Notification System..

Democracy Now

8 Stories Buried By the Corporate Media That You Need to Know About

Jane Fonda brings even more headlines to Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom.

North Texas Democrats : Notes and News

End of year " Best " Lists...Great movie lists :

The Book of Jobs by...Joseph E. Stiglitz...Vanity Fair.

Rick Perry's Army of God...- Texas Observer...

and more Perry news ..

The Iraq War: An Epic Tragedy by Hadi Jawad.


and more Holiday Parties


Rockwall County Democratic Party Holiday/End of Filing Party!


What:    Holiday Party and Celebration of end of Candidate Filing (for now!)

Where:  Rockwall Community Center, Harry Myers Park - 815 E Washington, Rockwall

When:   Monday, December 19, 2011 - 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Please join us in celebrating the Holidays - Bring your favorite Holiday dish or dessert for our potluck and your favorite karaoke CD if you'd like to sing us a song!  It will be a casual night of celebration with your local family of Democrats, so join us even if you can only stay for a few minutes!


We'll be collecting canned goods and supplies for Helping Hands at the door, so please help us help our Community by bringing what you can.  Please follow this link to see their list of current needs.




This Holiday, The Twelve Republican Days of Christmas


This year, the Republican nominating contest has been the gift that keeps on giving. With Christmas and the Iowa Caucuses just around the corner, and since I was not raised by wolves, I know one should always say thank you after receiving a gift. In the spirit of the season, here is that thank you.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, one wild-eyed Iowa straw poll winner. From the "pray the gay away" clinic Michele Bachmann runs with her extremely masculine husband Marcus, to her gaffes-a-plenty campaign - who can forget the time she confused John Wayne and serial killer John Wayne Gacy? - it has been a delight watching the Bachmann campaign collapse.

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Sign up for City of Dallas Reverse 911 Emergency Notification System


The City of Dallas Reverse 911 Emergency Notification System is used to rapidly send telephone notifications to residents and businesses in an affected area in the event of an emergency.


How It Works: The system will automatically call listed and unlisted telephone numbers (including TTY/TDD) within the area affected by the emergency and deliver a recorded message. If phone lines are busy, the system will attempt to redial those telephone numbers to make contact. If an answering machine picks up the call, the emergency message will be left on the machine. The City of Dallas assumes no responsibility if an emergency message cannot be delivered or is not received. Cellular phone numbers are not automatically included in the system database, nor are Voice over IP (VoIP) phone systems.


How to get Reverse 911 to call your cellular phone or VoIP: Reverse 911 can call your cell or VoIP phone, but you must register these phone numbers.

Please note: the service being offered is for Dallas (city) residents and businesses ONLY.


Register cell and VoIP phones online: 

The information provided will only be used in the event of an emergency and not released to any third party.


Democracy Now

Bradley Manning: Famed Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Alleged WikiLeaks Soldier's 1st Day in Court

Alleged U.S. Army whistleblower Private Bradley Manning is scheduled to make his first court appearance today after being held for more more than a year and a half by the U.S. military. Manning is suspected of leaking hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. diplomatic cables to the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks in the biggest leak of classified U.S. documents in history. We're joined by perhaps the nation's most famous whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg, and go to Ft. Meade, Maryland for a brief update on a rally in support of Manning outside the base where he'll appear. Watch/Listen/Read

Ex-Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson, Former Democrat, Launches Third Party Presidential Bid Against Obama, GOP

A new political party has entered the fray as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2012 elections. On Monday, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson announced he will run for president with the newly formed Justice Party. Although hailing from a solidly red state, Anderson has been known as one of the most progressive mayors of any major U.S. city in recent years. Vowing to fight the influence of money over politics, Anderson kicked off his campaign on Monday with a pledge to limit individual donations to $100 a person. Anderson and the Justice Party say they hope to build a grassroots movement heading into the November 2012 elections. Watch/Listen/Read  


8 Stories Buried By the Corporate Media That You Need to Know About

Not all news stories are treated equally.


As 2011 comes to a close, we will see lists of the year's most memorable events and most important people, as is the pattern every year. But not all stories are created equal. When the corporate media bury significant developments in the back pages of the paper or the second to last paragraph of an article, it's easy for stories to go unnoticed.

As usual, this year was packed with critical, newsworthy and insufficiently covered stories that should have, but didn't, make the front page. Below are eight explosive must-read stories of 2011 that you may have missed.  

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Jane Fonda brings even more headlines to Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom


Already the most-anticipated TV show of next year, Newsroom was garnering buzz and dividing internet talkboards when it was still known as Untitled Aaron Sorkin Project For HBO.


Now, the drama set behind the scenes of a nightly news bulletin not dissmilar to Keith Olbermann's Countdown has secured the services of one Jane Fonda in her first TV role. Fonda, pleasingly, will play a character not a million miles from her ex-husband, the father of cable news Ted Turner. "Leona Lansing, the CEO of the cable news network's parent company whose ideals often clash with the news outlet".

 As if the idea of an HBO series scripted by Sorkin wasn't exciting enough, the combination of arch knowingness, a TV first and a feminine icon is too delightful not to celebrate.

 read on


North Texas Democrats : Notes and News

North Texas Asian Democrats

Monday, December 19 7:30 PM,  

Hunan Dynasty, 8150 N Macarthur Blvd., Irving

Grassroots Democratic Coalition Monthly Meetup

Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:30 PM

Black Eyed Pea Restaurant 7979 Belt LIne Rd at Coit Rd - Next to Shell Service Station Dallas, TX 75287


 Garland Democratic Woman's Club  

Wednesday, December 21 11:30 AM,  

Siciliano's Taste of Italy, 2210 W. Buckingham, Garland


Northwest Dallas Democrats  

Wednesday, December 21 7:30 PM,  

aco Cabana, 11824 Webb Chapel Road, Dallas



End of year " Best " Lists


Great movie lists :
List of top 10 films that can help you understand #occupywallstreet protests



The 13 Best Political Films of 2011



The Book of Jobs by Joseph E. Stiglitz Vanity Fair


Forget monetary policy. Re-examining the cause of the Great Depression-the revolution in agriculture that threw millions out of work-the author argues that the U.S. is now facing and must manage a similar shift in the "real" economy, from industry to service, or risk a tragic replay of 80 years ago.

It has now been almost five years since the bursting of the housing bubble, and four years since the onset of the recession. There are 6.6 million fewer jobs in the United States than there were four years ago. Some 23 million Americans who would like to work full-time cannot get a job. Almost half of those who are unemployed have been unemployed long-term. Wages are falling-the real income of a typical American household is now below the level it was in 1997.

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Rick Perry's Army of God  - Texas Observer 


 A little-known movement of radical Christians and self-proclaimed prophets wants to infiltrate government, and Rick Perry might be their man.


On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God's messengers visited Rick Perry.

On this day, the Lord's messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor's office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.

The pastors told Perry of God's grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was "The Prophet State," anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.

The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter-through Pierce-to "pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule."

Gov. Perry, it seemed.  

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and more Perry news ...


Rick Perry, son of west Texas, usually wins what he wants

In the late 1970s, as he approached his 27th birthday, Rick Perry ended a globe-trotting life as an Air Force pilot and headed home to help work the family farm in a stretch of west Texas sometimes called the "Big Empty."

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Rick Perry's Pension Problem -- And Ours

Texas Governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry is collecting a $92,000 annual pension on top of his salary as governor, according to financial disclosure forms just filed. State law allows government workers to collect retirement benefits while still working if they meet certain age and service requirements. So Texas taxpayers have been paying Perry a salary as an elected official for 26 years, and now they're also paying him a handsome pension benefit. With his salary of $133,000, his total taxpayer compensation is $224,000 annually.

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Perry is Texas Monthly's Bum Steer of the Year, by Evan Smith

The magazine was reluctant to confer its "lowest honor" on the Texas governor until his now-infamous...


The Iraq War: An Epic Tragedy by Hadi Jawad

rockwallDec 17, Dallas Texas

The U.S occupation of Iraq has mercifully come to an end. Most Iraqis, reeling from

challenges of daily living in a war ravaged country, do not have much to celebrate. Nor will returning American troops participate in the revelry of ticker tape parades. With hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead or maimed and millions homeless; a staggering loss of American lives and treasure, it is by all measures a somber occasion for both nations. The invasion of Iraq by western nations was an epic tragedy.

It was not too long ago that Iraq was on the verge of becoming a first world nation. Enriched by revenues from rising oil prices in the 1980's, Iraq was a model of development in the Middle East. Iraqis enjoyed high literacy rates, universal medical coverage in the most advanced medical treatment facilities in the region. The population was so well fed that pediatricians were complaining about the rising rates of obesity among Iraqi boys. Women were an important part of the workforce and held important positions in government, many were doctors and engineers. Christian and Jewish minorities enjoyed religious freedoms and participated in the social, cultural and financial life of the country. But it was not long before things began to change for the worse. Those well fed kids began to die of starvation by the tens of thousands as a dictator's drive for regional domination and western interests collided.

In the 1990'S, United Nations sanctions against Iraq, meant to destabilize Saddam Hussein's government, ended up killing more than half a million Iraqi children under the age of five according to the U.N itself. Even today Iraqi children pay a very high price. According to a Reuters report in Feb 2011, the invasion and occupation created 4.5 million orphans in Iraq (roughly 20% of the population) with 500,000 living on the streets of Baghdad , Basra, and other cities. Many NGO's have reported on the suffering these street kids endure as they fall prey to sex traffickers, drug dealers and the slave trade. The irony of Iraq's massive oil wealth, safely secured in the vaults of international banks, while that nation's most prized possession - it's children, endure unimaginable abuse and suffering, is startling.

The United States has been an important actor in the Middle East for almost a century and must bear responsibility for it's actions. In the last three decades, the impact of misguided U.S. policies is evident in events that set the stage for the ruinous crisis' Iraqis face today: the 8 year Iran/Iraq war, the draconian sanctions imposed by the U.N. on Iraq in 1991 and of course, the invasion of 2003.. While the removal of US troops in Iraq is a momentous occasion, more must be done. Nations that participated in Iraq's destruction must guarantee humanitarian needs such as clean drinking water, electricity, medicines and food security to the Iraqi people. And to show the world that no nation or any leader is above the law, legal procedures must be started against those responsible, for what former U.N Secretary General Koffi Annan described as an "illegal war" against a sovereign nation.

Will Americans reflect on the suffering they inflicted on a nation that posed no threat to its security? Will Iraqis pick up the pieces of their shattered dreams, transcend ethnic and sectarian differences, and move towards an unknown future with self respect and dignity?

The epic tragedy of Iraq will haunt for a very long time.

-Hadi Jawad is a human rights activist based in Dallas, Texas.



The Far North Dallas Democrats


The Donkey Show



An evening of Democratic Fun

What: A political entertainment variety show and dinner

Who: Featuring musical guests Lucky Pierres political comedy of Tony Stone and emcee  Dave Little.

Where: Pocket Sandwich Theater, Mockingbird&

Central [5400 E. Mockingbird Lane] Dallas

When: 7:00 PM January 18, 2012


The Donkey Show political entertainment variety show and dinner honoring Darlene Ewing, produced by the Far North Dallas Democrats Club, benefiting Dallas County political causes. Featuring musical guests Lucky Pierres and a liberal dose of hee-haws from headlining Comedy Central-appearing comedian Tony Stone. Emceed by Dave Little and culinary delights provided by Dream Cafe. Come laugh your donkey off.  

Buy here



North Texas Progressive Newsletter

Nancy Cunningham
Contact: Nancy


This newsletter is a project of the North Texas Progressive , which is an umbrella organization for the Dallas Air America group, which was founded in 2004 to promote and support progressive talk radio and independent media in North Texas.


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Majority Report with Sam Seder Daily show 10:30am

Call in to the show M-F 10:30am CST: 646-257-3920
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Dr. Errington Thompson's "Where's the outrage? " blog


Dallas native Dr. Errington Thompson, former host on

Revolution 880

from Asheville, NC now blogs at  


Michael Moore | A Man in Tunisia, a Movement on Wall Street, and the Soldier Who Ignited the Fuse


Michael Moore, "One year ago on December 17th, Mohamed Bouazizi, a man who had a simple produce stand in Tunisia, set himself on fire to protest his government's repression.... Three months ago on December 17th, Occupy Wall Street began with a takeover of New York's Zuccotti Park.... Twenty-four years ago on December 17th, U.S. Army Spc. Bradley Manning was born.... People across the world devoured the information Bradley Manning revealed, and it was used by movements in Egypt, Spain, and eventually Occupy Wall Street to bolster what we already thought was true."

Read the Article


33 Quotes About Conservatives/Republicans That Liberals Should Know About


read on here



What is Occupy Wall Street (and how will it be remembered)? 

What is Occupy Wall Street (and how will it be remembered)?

What is Occupy Wall Street (and how will it be remembered)?

Whether you agree or like the Occupy movement, it grew suddenly and has been sustained longer than was first imagined. Now that the Occupy movement is shutting down for the winter, what will it be remembered for? What remains confusing (and even frustrating) for some people is that nobody knows what occupiers really want. Even the occupiers themselves seem to have different reasons for occupying, making people think that they're just being immature. But is it really a case of immaturity, or the prototype of a new type of movement--a 21st-century movement


TIME's Person of the Year - The Protestor


The Protester, by Kurt Andersen: "It's remarkable how much the protest vanguards share. Everywhere they are disproportionately young, middle class and educated. Almost all the protests this year began as independent affairs, without much encouragement from or endorsement by existing political parties or opposition bigwigs. All over the world, the protesters of 2011 share a belief that their countries' political systems and economies have grown dysfunctional and corrupt - sham democracies rigged to favor the rich and powerful and prevent significant change. They are fervent small-d democrats. Two decades after the final failure and abandonment of communism, they believe they're experiencing the failure of hell-bent megascaled crony hypercapitalism and pine for some third way, a new social contract."

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